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Counter Intuitive Thinking

Here’s the thing I’ve long argued: The solutions to our problems are often counter-intuitive. The right course of action can be the exact opposite of what we initially thought. The best answer or explanation can challenge our gut instinct and require us to embrace that which does not come naturally and/or defies our [...]

Money makes the world go around

Money makes the world go around, or so the song says. The world as we know it would not function without money. Money is an essential human creation and everyone uses it. Money has a powerful influence on our lives and we have an emotional connection to it. Money keeps us awake at [...]

Personal Debt

With Australians spending an estimated $65billion on Christmas shopping in December 2023, some consumers were not able to pay off their credit card and or buy now pay later finance when they become due in late January or February 2024. Some have sadly declared bankruptcy, which is the theme of this months’ Viewpoint. [...]

Design Thinking

Recently, I heard someone say: “You must fail quickly and cheaply in order to learn and succeed”. These words were uttered by an expert in design thinking when talking about the need to experiment with possible solutions to problems. Design thinking is an iterative process to finding solutions and requires a deep empathy for [...]

How being watched by others changes your behaviour

My identical twin brother’s son-in-law is a television camera operator and has years of experience filming people and events from all over the world. From videotaping athletes at the Sochi Winter Paralympics to recording Queen Elizabeth II at Buckingham Palace, he has experienced first-hand what most of us intuitively know – people behave [...]

Performance Measure pitfalls

Distinguished economists, statisticians and mathematicians often have their name associated with some economic theory, concept or tool. Some examples include Giffen goods, the Nash equilibrium, the Phillips curve and the Gini coefficient. Today, I would like to introduce you to another economic concept - Goodhart’s law. This “law” testifies that social or economic performance [...]

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